Natural rhythms
This course is all about learning Ayurveda & plugging back into our natural rhythms so that we can be supported by them & live with ease rather than struggling against our natural rhythms. It’s a course where we unearth our dreams & move towards being the best versions of ourselves. Self love & evolution is at the heart of it. It’s a doing course, where we embody our learnings & put them into practice. The community is strong & we all support & hold each other accountable.
A total game changer.
This course has changed my life! I finally feel like I’ve actually got a grip of life. I never thought I’d be reaching my goals with such momentum, but now I look back on my goals from last quarters & I’m so proud that I’ve achieved them! I’m learning how to really take care of my mind, body & spirit & it’s incredibly empowering to know myself so intimately & know what I need to do to avoid any unnecessary stress. I would recommend this course to anyone that wants to feel empowered & live with ease, it’s a total game changer.
Within the first 4 months of the course I dropped all my excess weight. I have stopped snacking & instead have 3 nourishing meals a day. I plan my meals & save time doing so. I crave healthy foods. I have stopped emotional eating. I cook in the mornings. I have dreamy mornings & feel nourished stepping into the day. I understand why I do certain things & feel emotional at certain times & can pick myself back up quickly or put things in place to prevent it in the first place. I feel so much closer to my body. I feel so much more connected to my spirit. I feel like I have an Ayurvedic family who support me. I crave activities based on my emotional needs at the time, be it dancing to disperse intense energy or doing a body massage to ground me. I have a better grasp of time & how to manage it. The list goes on!”
This course has changed my life.
I feel like it's propelled me into my higher self at a rate I wouldn't have believed! I know how to look after myself on a physical, energetic & emotional level now. That means that I don't eat my emotions anymore & know what I need to do when something's out of balance. I get so much more joy from life & I feel so much love for myself!
I don't eat my emotions anymore, a pattern I've been unable to shift my whole life. It wasn't even a focus this year, but I got so tuned into my emotions that I started to crave the space & actions that really would help me heal rather than suppressing it with food!
I feel more secure & loving towards myself. My physical body is far healthier & leaner. I have more sustained energy & sleep better. I feel more connected to myself & the whole. My intuition has got stronger! My days are filled with self care & a routine that I love. Work has been more manageable as I've learned to orient to ease rather than stress. I know how to care for myself emotionally & feel more self sufficient as I know what will help me feel easeful & calm.
Beyond expectations!
I've only just finished my first quarter on the course & am already seeing & feeling dramatic improvements in my day to day life. I expected to learn more about Ayurveda & receive guidance through the 10 habits of Ayurveda. In reality I've learned so much about Ayurveda that I'm already starting to see the world through an Ayurvedic lens & can start to see solutions to my body & life goals on my own. This lens & the 10 habits are proving amazing skills to have. They're applicable to every part of my life: physical well-being, my emotions & relationships, my work & spirituality. I've never felt so connected to my body, I feel like I'm thriving & I'm experiencing more ease & enjoyment out of my days! The group is really supportive. & Faye's really warm & encouraging, & will coach me when I'm feeling scattered & need it!” -
I've had quite a few a-ha moments. My biggest has been realising the difference between being motivated & when I'm forcing myself to do something. I spent a lot of time forcing myself to do things before & feeling frazzled & stressed as a result (even from going to a yoga class). Now I'm experiencing more rhythm with the habits that support the life I want to lead so I don't have to find motivation to do these habits, they're just part of my routine & it feels more natural & enjoyable. I can save my spurts of motivation for getting new ideas going rather than the every day routines!